[CCNA] Network Address Translation

Lab: Network Address Translation (NAT)
Scenario: Hub and Spokes, NAT using PAT
Connections: Internal Networks to External Network
Minimum requirements: 2 router and 1 switch
NOS: IOS version 12.x
Objective: Showing NAT table
Amount of Task: 2
Task 1: Configurations
router(config)#int s0/0/0
router(config-if)#ip nat outside  --> interface s0/0/0 as an outside interface
router(config-if)#no shutdown
router(config)#int fa0/0
router(config-if)#ip nat inside  --> interface fa0 as an inside interface
router(config-if)#no shutdown
router(config)#access-list 10 permit 10.y.y.0  --> allowing hosts cross over the boundary router
router(config)#ip nat inside source list 10 interface s0 overload  --> using PAT configuration
switch#ping --> from your switch or host, make traffic out of your router
switch#ping --> make traffic out of your router

Task 2: verifications
router#show ip nat translations  --> membaca table NAT
router#show ip nat statistics
switch#ping 10.140.z.2 --> success?
switch#ping 10.z1.z1.3  --> success?
switch#ping 10.z1.z1.11 --> success? why?

x = your group pod
y = your group pod + 1 = internal networks
z = your partner's group pod
z1 = your partner's group pod + 1


kamsut said…
gimana klo dikasi ilustrasi network topologynya biar gampang dicobain di packet tracer

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